• For some of the common symptoms associated with menopause like bladder urgency or leakage, painful sex and prolapse.

  • The most common bladder issues that affect day to day life are stress urinary incontinence (leaking on cough, sneeze or exercise), bladder urgency or urge incontinence (not quite making it to the toilet on time) or bladder pain syndrome, interstitial cystitis.

    We assess the pattern of your symptoms and physically examine your bladder, pelvic floor muscles to find the main source of bladder dysfunction. Management options can include lifestyle advice, manual pelvic floor release, biofeedback, pelvic floor muscle training, bladder retraining, pessaries and pelvic floor muscles stim.

  • Not many people know that pelvic floor physiotherapy can help with bowel issues such as chronic constipation, painful bowel motions (+/-bleeding), bowel urgency or leakage. Not many people are aware that the anal opening is in the middle of the pelvic floor muscles either. That's why pelvic floor physiotherapy can come in useful to help you address these issues in an effective way. Management options include Pelvic floor manual release, scar massage, biofeedback, bowel retraining and pelvic floor muscle training (relaxing and strengthening these muscles as needed).

  • A staggering amount of people struggle with pain during sex. It's more common than you think as many of us are not chatting to other people about how sex feels or does not feel for us, Painful sex can be caused by many reasons such as hormonal changes, dryness, painful scars, vaginismus, vulvodynia, cervical abrasion or muscle tension. Experienced therapists at the Pelvic Academy can help to figure out what the source of your pain is and give you strategies to improve, make sex pain-free and maybe even enjoyable! It is a safe space to explore your feelings around an internal exam and this may not even happen in the first session (or at all) as we can approach the issue from the outside in as you build up rapport and trust in your therapist.

  • 50% of women will have some type of prolapse during their lifespan. Pelvic prolapse is one of those common things that occur after pregnancy, similar to stretch marks! Sometimes it is a scary diagnosis to receive or suspect you have but it certainly is not all doom and gloom.Some descent of the vaginal walls is normal and prolapse type feelings can be coming from other causes like pelvic floor weakness, sensitive vaginal tissues or tight scar tissue. That's why we do a thorough internal assessment of the vaginal walls and pelvic floor muscles in lying and standing to help determine where your symptoms are coming from.

    Then we can follow our established management pathway to get you back to what you love without worrying about what is going on in your vagina.

    Management can include pelvic floor manual release, scar massage, pelvic floor muscle training, pessary fitting, pressure management, hypopressives and pelvic floor muscle training.

  • Pelvic pain can include pain in either of the pelvic joints, hips, coccyx or lower back. It can affect men or women.

    Understanding your pelvic pain, how it started, what other life factors may be influencing it and how your nervous system has adapted to the pain is the key to making a change.

    A thorough assessment to drill down into these causes and influences is part of your initial appointment followed by a physical exam.

    Treatment may be hands on, modifications and exercises and tuning into that part of your body that is telling you something.

    Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain is common but not something you have to put up with. Symptoms of PGP can be alleviated with education, pelvic floor muscle assessment, manual techniques and soft tissue work.

  • Pelvic floor Physio can help in the rehabilitation of surgery like prolapse repair, hysterectomy and bladder neck surgery.


“ I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. You have given me the confidence to get back into yoga, modifying as appropriate and enjoying it again. Just feeling confident is a huge win.”

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