Pre and postnatal

  • Our Pregnancy Massage has been specifically designed to provide expectant mothers with the ultimate relief they need. Our Remedial Pregnancy Massage is perfect for easing aches and pains while allowing you to relax and unwind.

    Unlike standard Pregnancy Massages, we don't just skim the surface. As specialists in Pregnancy Massage, we understand exactly what your body needs during pregnancy, and we're committed to helping you alleviate discomfort and tension throughout this special time. If you're seeking a massage that's tailored to pregnant women, we encourage you to book today.

    What is the process of a Pregnancy massage?

    At the start of your appointment, we will conduct a consultation and assessment to understand how you are feeling and identify any areas of tension or discomfort. Using a combination of pregnancy massage techniques and remedial methods, we will work to relax your body and release tension in any specific areas you need. Throughout treatment you will either lie on your back or side with use of bolsters and cushions to keep you and baby safe and comfortable.

    To help you maintain your wellbeing and minimize any aches and pains, we will provide you with guidance and exercises to practice at home before you leave.

    No one likes to be rushed, especially when you're pregnant. This is why we only offer a 90 minute pregnancy treatment to allow time for complete relaxation whilst being able to work on any niggling areas.

  • Pregnancy is a great time to get to know your pelvic health a bit better. We use a 1 hour pregnancy appointment to check your hips/pelvic joints and more importantly your pelvic floor muscles. We can assess how you are at connecting to those muscles. If you know how to relax them, how to “push” to optimise childbirth and hopefully make pelvic floor issues in the future less likely. We also discuss positioning and breathing for birth which are key for giving birth. Learning this information is also helpful for early days c section recovery and beyond as pelvic floor muscles are the cornerstone to good core health in the future.

  • Prenatal Physiotherapy is also helpful for pregnancy related pain associated with conditions like pelvic girdle pain and back pain. We use manual therapy, soft tissue techniques with plenty of advice and exercises to help you at home. So, there is no need to struggle on and put up with aches and pain “ just because you're pregnant".

  • Many people will find us in the Postnatal Period. The popular Mummy MOT postnatal check is a 1 stop appointment to thoroughly assess your abdominals and pelvic floor muscles following delivery. We screen for any bladder, bowel, sexual dysfunction and pelvic organ prolapse at this appointment too.

    We specialise in some of the common postnatal conditions such as diastasis, postnatal pelvic pain, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic floor dysfunction and incontinence . Pelvic floor problems can affect everyday life and dominate your day to day. We are here to help and empower you to prevent or overcome whatever issue is holding you back from living the life you want to live. Postnatal Physio is also great for women who want to return to exercise post-baby in a safe and effective way.

  • We offer scar massage, advice on returning to exercise following abdominal delivery as part of our postnatal checks.

  • click HERE for token for pregnancy or postnatal massage and Mummy MOT checks

Womens Health Physio

  • Pelvic health physio can address any bladder bowel or sexual dysfunction associated with endometriosis.

    We can assess pelvic floor muscle function - resting tone, muscle tender points, contractility and relaxation ability which may help with you manage your symptoms better.

    Pelvic Health Physio treatment may include de-sensitisation techniques, pelvic floor manual release, breathing techniques, biofeedback, dilator use.

    A Pelvic Health Physio can also support you with goal settings and coping skills to assist you develop skills on activity management around flare-ups.

    We can also support you after any of the surgery mentioned above.

  • Vaginismus is the term used to describe recurrent or persistent involuntary tightening of muscles around the vagina whenever penetration is attempted.

    The symptoms include burning or stinging pain upon penetration, as well as intense fear or loss of desire when penetration is attempted.

    Vaginismus isn't "only" about sex, it's about life. Penetrative sex is not the only thing its victims lose . It can painfully interfere with regular gynecological examinations, the use of tampons and period cups, or even childbirth.

    It is extremely treatable and pelvic health physio can help you get there. We work through your history, thoughts and fears about treatment and take it step by step according to your goals.

  • Pelvic pain is an umbrella term for symptoms stemming from any area within the pelvis.

    Sacroiliac, low back , groin, coccyx, hip or pelvic floor pain. Women can experience can also experience pelvic pain which will interfere with bladder-, bowel or sexual function. We are skilled in finding the source of your individual issue and improving it.

  • pelvic organ prolapse is a common condition amongst women and does not have to be life-limiting. We are skilled in the assessment of pelvic organ prolapse and getting to the root source of the issue. We listen to your symptoms and plan to reduce those so you can get on with the day to day without bother or lack of confidence about making things worse. Our management options can include getting your pelvic floor working optimally to provide the right support, reducing downward pressures, hypopressives and pessary fitting.

  • The main bladder issues that we see in clinic include bladder urgency, overactive bladder, stress incontinence, leaking associated with exercise, recurrent UTIs and bladder prolapse.

  • Bowel issues encompass anal fissures, bowel urgency, leakage, prolapse or difficulty emptying.

    The anal opening sits within the pelvic floor muscle sling and pelvic floor physio can assess the dysfunction and help you to manage it.

Massage Therapy

  • Our Pregnancy Massage has been specifically designed to provide expectant mothers with the ultimate relief they need. Our Remedial Pregnancy Massage is perfect for easing aches and pains while allowing you to relax and unwind.

    Unlike standard Pregnancy Massages, we don't just skim the surface. As specialists in Pregnancy Massage, we understand exactly what your body needs during pregnancy, and we're committed to helping you alleviate discomfort and tension throughout this special time. If you're seeking a massage that's tailored to pregnant women, we encourage you to book today.

    What is the process of a Pregnancy massage?

    At the start of your appointment, we will conduct a consultation and assessment to understand how you are feeling and identify any areas of tension or discomfort. Using a combination of pregnancy massage techniques and remedial methods, we will work to relax your body and release tension in any specific areas you need. Throughout treatment you will either lie on your back or side with use of bolsters and cushions to keep you and baby safe and comfortable.

    To help you maintain your wellbeing and minimize any aches and pains, we will provide you with guidance and exercises to practice at home before you leave.

    No one likes to be rushed, especially when you're pregnant. This is why we only offer a 90 minute pregnancy treatment to allow time for complete relaxation whilst being able to work on any niggling areas.

  • Whether you've recently given birth or have been a parent for months or even years, your body goes through many changes as you adjust to caring for your child. That's why our Post-natal massage is designed to help you alleviate any aches and pains that may arise whilst giving you some much needed time to relax and unwind.

    Conveniently located on Hornsey Road in Islington, North London, we offer treatments that are bespoke to your needs. Whether you're experiencing aches and pains from caring for your baby, seeking advice on improving soft tissue, or wishing to improve scar tissue after a Cesarean Section, our Postnatal treatment is here to help. This treatment is designed to address a variety of concerns after birth, including reducing tension and stress.

    Our Postnatal Treatment is perfect for anyone who is:

    -Suffering from aches and pains from caring for their baby (dad’s included).

    -Wanting advice on how to improve soft tissue.

    -Wanting to regain confidence in their body and movement post birth

    -Looking to regain strength and posture after birth.

    -Wanting to improve scar tissue after Cesarean Section.

    -Wanting to reduce tension and stress.

    -Wanting to have time for yourself and unwind.

  • Our Sports Massage is tailored for individuals who engage in sports, exercise, or maintain a highly active lifestyle. If you're experiencing an injury or feel like something is holding you back from reaching your full potential, our bespoke sports massage treatments are here to help you.

    This treatment is designed to target the muscles and areas of the body that require attention.

    Each session starts with a thorough consultation and body assessment, allowing your therapist to create a personalised treatment plan that is unique to your needs. With the focus on releasing tension and tightness, aiming for optimal muscular function.

    Our Sports Massage treatment is ideal for clients who want to start prioritising their bodies and wellbeing. Your sports massage therapist will provide you with home care recommendations, including stretches and strengthening exercises, based on your individual areas of tension or weakness. These exercises will enable you to continue to enhance your performance and make progress towards your peak physical condition.

    Our Sports Massage Treatment is perfect for anyone who is:

    -Using their bodies to a high level and wants to prevent injuries.

    -Looking to improve performance in their chosen field.

    -Has an Injury and wants to speed up the recovery process

    -Taking part in an event looking for pre/post massage.

  • Our bespoke deep tissue massage is personalised to you and your body's needs on the day of your treatment. We don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach! Whether you suffer from neck pains due to office work, unexplained lower back pain, or simply want an hour of uninterrupted relaxation, this treatment is for you.

    To begin, we'll conduct a consultation to determine your needs for the day, followed by an assessment of any specific areas you'd like us to focus on. We'll then use a variety of deep tissue massage techniques and remedial methods to reduce tension and pain in your body, enhance circulation, reduce stress, and improve your range of motion. Additionally, your therapist will provide you with home care exercises that suit your lifestyle, allowing these benefits to continue at home.

    Our (insert name of treatment) is perfect for any one who is:

    -Having postural issues from spending a long time in the same position.

    -Feeling tense or stressed, in need of a wind down.

    -Wants help with an injury or scar

    -Wants to improve their life and wellbeing.

  • Buy your 60mins (75 pounds) or 90mins (100 pounds) token HERE


Male pelvic health covers conditions such as urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, post prostate surgery rehab and male pelvic pain. Elite athletes and runners can often suffer from a tight pelvic floor causing pain or bladder and bowel dysfunction. Pelvic Health Physiotherapy can assess and treat conditions such as these with education, manual therapy, advice and exercises.

  • Prostate Rehab

    Physiotherapy for symptoms associated with Prostate surgery.

    Pre op and Post op Physio for common issues such as Urinary Incontinence and Erectile Dysfuction.

  • Male pelvic pain

    Pelvic Pain

    Physiotherapy for Male pelvic pain. A through assessment of your symptoms followed by a management plan.